Dianne and I head to the Czech Republic tomorrow. I am looking forward to an Easter concert with the Czech Boys

Choir in Hradec Králové. My repertoire will include excerpts fromthe Matthäus Passion and Messiah, the Bach-Gounod “Ave Maria” and “Panis Angelicus.” I am also doing some teaching/master classes at Charles University in Prague. It will be wonderful to return there; I first sang in Prague in 1995. I have never been to Poland, so I am also looking forward to visiting the Poznan Conservatory for a master class and lecture. I hear it’s a beautiful old city. My camera is ready! An overriding highlight of the trip will be to spend time with Jennifer Beynon-Martinec and Jakub Martinec, founder and artistic director of the Czech Boys Choir. Their work with the choir is superb in its vocalism and musicianship. They are longtime friends who also happen to be wonderful musical artists.